Let's Talk Senior Guys...

Senior guys really are a lot of fun!

But, if you have ever photographed senior guys, you probably will agree that there are a few commonalities among them that are a little different from photographing senior girls.

From my experience, the most successful senior guy sessions are fast-paced and full of action!

Over the years, I have found a few little tips and tricks to make your guy senior session a blast! Obviously, these tips can work for anyone, but I have found that they work especially well with guys!

5 Tips for a Senior Guy Photo Session

Senior Guy Tip 1: Have Him Wear Only 1 Outfit

Make It Simple!

Photographing a senior guy in a formal look and a casual look, along with the cap and gown would be a dream! Rarely can I get a guy to change during our session!

One outfit is just easy enough for him to enjoy his time during our session! It's fuss-free.

I suggest a (wrinkle-free) long sleeve shirt, long pants (same tone as shirt) and nice shoes. We can grab some great shots of this outfit and then throw the cap and gown over the outfit for more looks.

Let's Schedule a Senior Session!

Senior Guy Tip 2: Take a Picture of the Transportation

This could be a car, truck, bicycle, scooter etc...

I don't know about you, but I wish that I had a picture of my first bicycle, car etc...

Use this opportunity to document how the senior got to school every day. (My picture would be in front of a public bus stop!)

Contact Me to Schedule a session!

Senior Guy Tip 3: Bring Crazy Props, Snacks and Drinks!

Bring Silly Props to the Session

Everyone feels a little awkward being in front of the camera.

I like to break the ice by having this little hand or some other funny prop that I hand over to the guy and see what he does with it! It definitely lightens the mood and puts an immediate smile on everyone's face!

Here is a funny example of the hand at one of my senior guy sessions!

Wanna Try the Hand? Contact Me!

Senior Guy Tip 4: Incorporate Movement into the Sesssion

Get a Move On

When you get people moving, they get more relaxed and look more natural!

I often suggest walking, jumping, skateboarding and running during sessions to get the most genuine expressions.

Let's Jump Into It! Contact Me Here!
UC Riverside College Grad jumping

Univeristy of California, Riverside College Session

Graduate on a skateboard jumping

Upland High School Senior Session

Upland High School Graduate jumping outside

Upland High School Senior Session

Senior Guy Tip 5: Photograph All of the Important Details

Gather Sashes, Announcements, Car Keys, Tassels etc...

Taking pictures of the announcements, report cards, tassels sashes, car keys, patches, phones with a music list showing, etc...will forever document the senior year!

How fun will it be to look back on the senior year details? Often, these little details get overlooked. Photographing them will preserve them forever!

Let's Schedule a Senior Session!

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