Holiday Family Picture Time

Had another year already passed? I just took photos for this family, didn't I?


It had been an entire year and this adorable family was ready to tackle family portraits once again!

I realize that 2020 has been the longest year ever.

I am so glad that Rachel decided to book a family session!

Documenting every year is important. And, when you have little ones, every year comes with huge milestones! It's so fun to see the growth, not only in size in my little clients, but also their vocabularies and senses of humor! Every year during our sessions, the little ones bring a sweet piece of their personalities to the session. This little one was raring to go, especially when promised "fairy dust" (aka baking sprinkles) at the end of our session and a well-earned park visit for listening during the session.

We found the perfect little pine tree!

I saw this little pine tree and I happened to have this step ladder and small bird ornament in my car! (You really don't want to see the back of my car, affectionately known as my "remote office". (The fact that the ladder and the bird coincidentally matched their outfits was pure luck and icing on the cake!)

Climbing up the rickety ladder was absolutely no problem, especially when you have dad to hoist you up at your every whim. I wasn't really sure if she would be game for climbing the ladder, but she was a champ and continued to climb on it even after the session!

Thank you for trusting me when I tell you to stop and let me take your picture.

You are the sweetest family!